The company was founded by Beth Hewett, PhD, and began in 2009 with a few independent graduate-level clients who expressed a need for writing coaching to complete their dissertations. The name of Defend & Publish illuminated the goals: for graduate students to complete and successfully defend dissertations and for them and more experienced professional academics to publish the papers and books they needed for job security and advancement.
Defend & Publish was purchased in 2021 by Christine Tulley, PhD and Ron Tulley, PhD who expanded the initial mission of writing coaching and support to include a podcast, monthly workshops, and free webinars. The company was renamed Defend, Publish & Lead in 2022 to reflect the emphasis on the role academic writing has on the full spectrum of an academic career. Our new logos and website design are courtesy of Fizz Creative, a branding agency in Cleveland.
To date, Defend, Publish & Lead is the only academic writing coaching company with PhD writing studies trained coaches focusing on supporting writing for publication, communicating effectively as a university leader, writing accountability, and overall academic writing project management.