Many university departments don’t have the time or resources to train PhD faculty in dissertation writing strategies. Dissertation advisors don’t have time to support struggling doctoral writers. Hire us to develop custom workshops to support dissertation faculty and students with a workshop on one of these topics below. Workshops can be combined with individual or group coaching sessions for doctoral students and faculty. We can also train your faculty developers!
Workshops for Doctoral Students | Workshops for Faculty Supervisors | Workshops for Faculty Developers |
● Developing a dissertation writing routine ● Sharing work with your advisor and using feedback to move forward ● Common dissertation writing blocks (and how to overcome them) ● Writing the literature review chapter ● Getting outputs from your dissertation | ● Offering writing feedback in chapter review ● Working with struggling dissertation students ● Modeling academic writing habits for graduate students ● Co-authoring projects with students | ● Training faculty to write tenure and promotion narratives ● Strategies for effective faculty writing group development and facilitation ● Graduate writing course design ● Program design for specific faculty writing skills including grant writing assistance, |
We’ve supported doctoral students, faculty, and departments from variety of institutions, including:
Academic publishers spend countless hours on finding manuscript reviewers and sending out revise and resubmit decisions, only to find that authors don’t resubmit or reviewers ask for new revisions. Reviewers often provide unclear or scant feedback
Our customized workshops can help academic publishers on two fronts. We design customized recorded workshops or handouts for authors that can be used as part of an author resource library or develop live offerings for suites of journals based on issues such as responding to a revise and resubmit decision.