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Peer-Reviewed Articles
Miller, Jennifer Roth, Dieterle, Brandy, deWinter, Jennifer, & Vie, Stephanie. (Under review as of 1/24/2019). Social media in professional, technical, and scientific communication programs: The state of the field. Communication Design Quarterly.
Dieterle, Brandy. (2017). From teaching to tutoring: Listening to my inner teacher. Communication Center Journal, 3(1), 168-169. Retrieved from
Berry, Landon, & Dieterle, Brandy. (2016). Group consultations: Developing dedicated, technological spaces for collaborative writing and learning. Computers and Composition: An International Journal, 41, 18-31.
Vie, Stephanie, & Dieterle, Brandy. (2016). Minding the gap: Comics as a scaffolding for critical literacy skills in the classroom. Composition Forum, 33. Retrieved from
Dieterle, Brandy, & Vie, Stephanie. (2015). Digital first-year composition: Integrating multimodality into a Writing About Writing approach. Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies, 3(1), 276-289.