Heather Witcher

Writing Coach

Heather Witcher is an Assistant Professor in the English and Philosophy Department at Auburn University at Montgomery. She received her MA and Ph.D. from Saint Louis University. Her research interests include British Nineteenth Century Poetics and Culture; Digital Humanities; Theories of Collaboration and Sympathy; Gender and Sexuality Studies; and Pre-Raphaelite Literature and Art. Her book, Collaborative Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century: Sympathetic Partnerships and Artistic Creation (Cambridge UP, 2022), turns to rhetorical theories of collaborative writing to retrieve marginal and divergent voices that have been silenced by the prevailing model of solitary authorship. Her most recent research project turns to literary Pre-Raphaelitism, exploring the creative processes and geographical influences of both canonical and non-canonical Pre-Raphaelite poets.


Languages: English

Why I Love Coaching

My interests in collaboration, digital humanities, and creative processes have made clear to me that writing is not meant to be an isolated activity. Writing is a social process! We all have lives and routines; I want to help you see that your lived experience can be part of your writing process. As a coach, I’m here to help you better understand your own writing process, tackle the challenges of writing, and create realistic plans so that you complete your project successfully.

Selected Publications

See all publications by clicking the link here.

Collaborative Writing in the Long 19th Century. Cambridge UP, 2022.

“Archival Animals: Polyphonic Movement in Elizabeth Bishop’s Poetic Drafts,” Elizabeth Bishop and the Literary Archive. Ed. Bethany Hicock. Lever Press, 2019.

“‘a royal lady [re]born’: Balladry, Transport, and Transgression in Michael Field’s The Tragic Mary,” Victorian Poetry 55.4 (Winter 2017).

“‘with me’: The Sympathetic Collaboration of Mary Godwin and Percy Bysshe Shelley.” Forum for Modern Language Studies 52.2, Special Issue (April 2016).

Heather Witcher

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