Melinda Harrison

Writing Coach

Melinda Harrison has a PhD in Educational Studies in Diverse Populations at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She has taught freshman composition, linguistics, graduate communications, and graduate courses in teaching multilingual learners. She has an Ed.S. in Teaching English as a Second Language, an MA in English Studies, and graduate certificates in Teaching Multilingual Learners and Applied Mixed Methods (expected August 2023). Her empirical research projects have focused on supporting post-secondary students in transition, and her mixed methods dissertation research investigated the experiences of international graduate students moving into and through a Master of Public Health program.

Why I Love Coaching

My favorite part of supporting writers is helping them find the tools that work for them. Writing is difficult for most of us. As a writing coach, I encourage my clients to adopt a growth mindset so that they become reflective, more comfortable with the process, more adept at choosing the tools that work for them and for their writing tasks. As an applied mixed methodologist in the social sciences, my coaching strength lies in helping writers tell the story of their research while considering the needs of their audience.

Selected Publications

“The Call for Peace in Language Education: This Book’s Purpose, Themes and Peace Approach.” Peacebuilding in Language Education: Innovations in Theory and Practice. Publisher: Multilingual Matters. 2020.

Melinda Harrison

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