Shirley Faulkner-Springfield

Writing Coach

Shirley Faulkner-Springfield holds a PhD in Rhetoric and Writing Studies from Bowling Green State University and a MA and a BA in English from North Carolina Central University. Shirley has 16 years of experience as a college-level writing instructor and fourteen years of experience as a writing program coordinator. She has facilitated writing workshops for graduate and undergraduate pre-medical students since 2007 and for law students since 2017. She has won teaching awards from North Carolina Central University. Her work appears in in the edited collection Serendipity in Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy Research and in journals such as Computers and Composition Online; Reflections: Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy; and Feminist Rhetorical Practices: New Horizons for Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies. She edited a twenty-chapter edited collection title Treating Black Women with Eating Disorders: A Clinicians Guide and is currently editing two chapters of an edited collection on antiblackness and authentic allyship. Shirley has experience with qualitative and mixed-methods research.


Languages: English

Why I Love Coaching

I coach because writers inspire me to further empower them as communicators and producers of knowledge. I enjoy working with all writers at all stages of their writing processes. The most engaging aspect of teaching writing is helping writers separate their writing processes into manageable parts. This approach ensures writers that I hear their stories, and when we tack out together, we carefully form bridges that eventually tell coherent stories that are appropriate for particular audiences.

Selected Publications

Book Chapter/Edited Collection (Refereed) “‘Oh, my God! He was a Slave!’: Secrets of the Virginia Courthouse Archive,” edited by Maureen Daly Goggin and Peter N. Goggin. Forthcoming in Serendipity in Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy Research, Utah State UP, 2018. Print.

“Speaking Personally: An African American Female Griot Tells HerStory Her Way.” Newcastle upon Lyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (forthcoming). Print. Journal Article (Refereed) “‘Through the Eyes of a Writer’: An Interview with Entisar Elsherif.” Computers and Composition Online, Spring 2014.

“Letters to Young High School Students: Writing and Uniting an Academic Community,” edited by Reva E. Sias and Beverly J. Moss. Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Special Issue. Reflections: Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy. 10.2 (2011): 63-107. Print

Shirley Faulkner-Springfield

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